favorite treat : )

It’s Saturday!! I love Saturdays because I get to be with my man all day and we have the best time just being ridiculous : ) We went to Costco today and got the most amazing raspberries I’ve had in a long time. So I decided to have my favorite treat:


Vanilla yogurt, gluten free granola, fresh raspberries and a little honey drizzled on top : )

Hair color ideas : )

Heyyy all! Sorry I’ve been MIA this last week! I just started an internship and a new job so I’ve been working some insane hours! The nice thing is that I love my internship and my job so I enjoy those hours : ) I’m a big believer in doing what you love everyday and I’m so lucky to get to do that!

Anyways, I haven’t had any time for pictures lately so I’m just going to show my recent favorite hair ideas from Pinterest lately. None of these photos are mine, it’s just getting to that time of the year where I’m getting bored of my hair and have been looking at ideas : )

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Im obsessedddd with this one!! (above)


Obviously I have no idea what I’m going to do yet since all of these are totally different haha but when I figure it out you’ll be the first to know! : ) Hope you guys all have a great weekend!


a little inspiration

Today has been a great day. I’ve been so inspired. I’ll write more about it later but I just wanted to share a little bit with all of you : )

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Hope you all are having a great week!

P.S. I do not claim any of the above photos as my own. Pinterest is great : )

kindness and photo shoot giveaway!

So last night my husband and I did a kickboxing series at home (we randomly have a punching bag..) and now my arms are dyingggg. I love that feeling of being so sore from working out so hard. Anyways, on this day of arm disability, I ran into some of the kindest people!

I was at target buying one of those big things of water bottles among other things and I was definitely struggling. I mean, I could barely pick up my purse so this was difficult..haha. The sweet old man at the counter saw this and after ringing me up proceeded to come around the counter and load everything up into my cart for me, and was super nice and cheerful about it. So sweet. And as I was walking out in the freezing cold (its 7 degrees here, ugggg) I saw that the cart drop was far from my car. So I used all my strength to put those dang water bottles in my car and this guy with all the carts was passing by me. Instead of continuing on, he waited until I put all my stuff in my car and then took my cart for me. So much kindness at Target!!!! It’s the little things that can just make your day : )


Those people made my day beautiful : ) And one of my new goals is now going to be to pay more attention to others. I tend to get a bit oblivious sometimes…but I’m going to start paying closer attention to those around me and then help them out : )

Speaking of beautiful things, I love photography and capturing the beauty of people and places and I’ve been wanting to get started in the business but haven’t had the time. Now, I don’t have a ton of experience so what I’d like to do is a giveaway! I’ll be giving away 3 photo shoots with 10-15 digital images for free! I can’t guarantee the pics will be perfect but it’ll be fun! We can do traditional, creative, family, fashion, whatever your heart desires : ) *Note: Only people in Washington, Utah or coming to visit Utah in the near future may enter.

Here’s a few examples of some of my previous pics (without any photoshop):

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To enter the giveaway all you have to do is:

1. Like LiveFreckled on Facebook

2. Follow me on Instagram (@tiffnw10) OR Follow my blog either by email or bloglovin’ (see sidebar)

3. Leave a comment here telling me you did those two things and an idea of what you’d want to do for your shoot!

Winners will be chosen randomly on January 16th : )

DIY vases

Today was so nice and relaxing. As I was cleaning up from last night, I realized we had 4 sparkling cider bottles leftover. Instead of throwing them away, I decided to paint them and make them into vases! So I took some of my acrylic paint and mixed it with a very tiny bit of water and painted a thin later of a dark red onto the bottles. To get the textured look I just kind of painted in all directions. Then I tied a yellow bow around the top : ) This is the end result:

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I like them because I like the old and textured look : ) It was superrr easy and took about 5 mins per bottle. Give it a try!

new year, new stuff

Happy New Year all!!! I hope you all had a great night last night : ) We saw Les Mis in the afternoon and then had a fun game night with friends, watched pitch perfect (hilariousss), and then went dancing with some friends! It was perfect! We haven’t been dancing in forever but we used to go all the time and it was so much fun. How did you spend your New Year’s Eve?

So as per usual, a new year brings new things. New experiences, new trials, new opportunities and new challenges. I’m so excited for what this year has in store! I’ll also be posting more and doing a little redesign for the blog so look for that! : ) I also have some other surprises in store for you all so check back often! Or follow me on bloglovin’ (on the side) or by email for updates!

Also here’s a little preview of my outfit last night. Sorry for the terrible quality and the obviously needs-to-be-cleaned mirror haha. I’ll be doing an outfit post on it soon.


Also here’s my cute husband and I last night : ) (I realllllly need to find my real camera’s memory card…haha)


Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful January 1st!!

soft curls

So I’ve been slacking a little on blogging but this week has been such a nice break : ) Also for some reason, when it snows a ton, sometimes I feel like it’s too cold to do anything. Anyone else with me on that? Anyways, one snowy day this last week it was really coming down and none of the roads were plowed. My cute husband made me promise to not drive anywhere because let’s just say I’m not the best at driving our little cars in the snow ; ) So I cleaned the house and then decided to do something I haven’t done in months: curl my hair.

Doing my hair has become kind of a rarity with my intense school schedule for the last little while. But now that I have time I thought why not? So I did and it’s funny how a little extra time spent on yourself can make you feel so put together.

I’m thinking of doing a tutorial on it because it took me less than 10 minutes to curl all of my hair. It turned out like this (sorry for the bad pic quality, just had my good old iphone):


Anyways, I love curling my hair because then I throw it in a bun at night and wake up the next morning and voila! Looser curls! Love it : )

As for the rest of this week, we had a nice Christmas at home. It was my first year as a married girl and we had a great, relaxing day : ) It was nice after all the traveling and activities from our honeymoon. My husband surprised me with some cute clothes which will be featured on here later : ) And we’ve been dog-sitting this week which has been fun. Here’s some pics:

pup boots

So. much. snow.


In case anyone is in dire need of a mixer but doesn’t have one, this works wonders : )

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So many cute puppies!! We will definitely have a dog or two someday : ) Have a great Monday!

honeymoon pics part 2

Only 2 days til Christmas!! Looks like it’ll be snowing here so that’s always great : ) Here’s part 2 of our honeymoon pictures!

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These are all little hermit crabs! They were everywhere and so cute : )


We went out on a snorkeling boat and they took us to 2 reefs which were amazinggg we saw some awesome fish and then the third stop they put a box of bait down deeper in the water to attract sharks and then we snorkeled on top! It was way terrifying but also way fun! TJ faced his biggest fear. So brave : )

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Ok so we walked by these creepy kids everyday and finally had to take pics imitating them our last night.

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This was SOOOO fun!!

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This is Steven Spielberg’s yacht! I’m pretty sure he was on it because there were a few people lounging on the back but I’m not positive…so we’ll pretend like he was.


Pre snorkeling.


Post snorkeling.

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Have a great Sunday and Christmas!!

honeymoon pics part 1

After a long day of travel yesterday, we’re finally back home.  We’re already missing the 80 degree weather but excited for Christmas! We went to Atlantis in the Bahamas and had the best time ever!! Seriously, it was amazing. Here’s the first part of our pics! I’ll post the other part tomorrow : )


Hope you all have a great Christmas weekend!!!!